Past President Martin Cairney has managed the Club Lend with Care project for the past 8 years. 

It has been our key international success story in helping the Third World.

Past President Bill McMullen took the Lend with Care Project as a basis for developing the Rotary School Ambassador project. 

This introduces schools in our Club area to Rotary values and Entrepreneurs in the third World.

He came to the conclusion that to succeed a venture like this would have to be appealing to the schools involved and not

place an increased burden on the already heavily burdened teaching staff. 

The educational benefits implicit in the application of the project would have to be identified.  

After much thought he identified the following objectives:  

(a)               develop leadership skills and self-confidence through teamwork and doing things for others;

(b)               give service to the community and international service;

(c)                to encourage and practice thoughtfulness and helpfulness;

(d)               build respect for rights of others, based on recognition of the worth of individuals;

(e)                develop personal integrity;

(f)                advance international understanding and goodwill;

(g)               to facilitate the opportunity to gain the knowledge to provide a basic understanding of local and world affairs;

(h)               Demonstrate helpfulness and respect for others;

(i)                Understand the value of individual responsibility and hard work.

The above can be achieved while informing the youngsters of the Rotary Areas of Focus and encouraging them to the

use of “The Four-Way Test” when working on the project. 

In this way we would be imparting Rotary guiding principles to the pupils and through them to their parents.

Currently Primary and High School Pupils participating in the project are learning the basics of World Geography, Maths, Accounting and

Business Enterprise.  This learning is taking place at the same time as they are helping people lift themselves out of

poverty by providing interest free loans to build their business and transform their lives.

The following schools are currently participating in the Rotary School Ambassadors to Lend with Care Project and three of

their current loans are shown at the following links


St Edward’s          Tollbrae                       Rochsolloch

 Buchanan             Coatbridge           Caldervale                  Airdrie